California Day Seven :: Minnesota Day ____

I’m home in MN. Severely jet-lagged, (Hence, the late post,) grating back into my schoolwork, and missing CA’s breakfast burritos, but home. And happy. :-)

Last class @ CUI, courtesy of Will.
Breakfast: Lemon pound-cake from Starbucks + Iced Chai.
ANOTHER yellow fire-hydrant. Seriously, do they have any *normal* fire-hydrants around here?
Little girl in the airport. I think she was as amused with that guy's glasses as I was.
What does this even mean? "Both genders use maracas"? "Neither gender is as tall as our toilet"? I'm so confused...
It all depends on your POV.
Hey! YOU!!!

Concordia was AWESOME. Ready for heading back next week. (Still working this out with my parents… Also, the guy who’s luggage I’m stowing away in.) Until the next…

P.S. Guess what! Two more people entered my giveaway! This means that all three get a prize! Huzzah! (Can you sense my subtle sarcasm? Go and enter! >> )